Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Analog TV bites back

You don't have to be a geek to know that HDTV is the future. More importantly, you'd have to be living in a cave if you haven't heard about the analog-to-digital switchover that will happen in February 2009. From that moment on, "old" analog TV sets will require a set-top box to tune into digital TV brodcasts.

That's also why all remaining analog TV sets must carry a warning label, so that consumers know what they're getting into when buying one of these sets.

And that's exactly what FCC has reminded several retailers of, including the well known Radio Shack, by fining them with nearly $100,000 total ($8000 per TV).

Since May 25th that:
Any company selling analog-only TV sets [must] display a prominent "Consumer Alert" in "a size of type large enough to be clear, conspicuous and readily legible" that is located on the set itself or immediately adjacent to it.

I bet they won't forget to put those stickers next time.

via [Gizmodo]

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