Monday, January 11, 2010

Google News

France wants to create "Google Tax"

What do you do whenever some new media format makes the previous one obsolete? It's simple, just tax it!
After radio and TV taxes, after taxing recordable blank media as CDs and DVDs, now we're approaching... the Google Tax. At least, that's what France wants to do. When will they learn to embrace the new technologies instead of desperately hanging on to the old ones?

Earthquakes on Google Earth

In case you haven't noticed it yet, you can noe check for seismic activity as a layer in Google Earth.

Makes us remember just how awesome all the tools at out disposal are!

Google Near You Now

Google Mobile now offers a very interesting search feature: "Near me Now." It allows you to quickly and easily find what's near you and it's currently available for the iPhone and Android devices. Check the following video for a better understanding of what it does.

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