Thursday, September 16, 2010

Share Your Keyboard and Mouse Across Computers

If you have more than one computer on your desk - be it multiple desktops, latpops, or several of each - you've probable know that you're likely to pick up the wrong keyboard and mouse whenever you want to do something on any of them.

Sure, you can use a KVM switch to control multiple computers with a single keyboad, mouse and monitor; but... if you need to keep each computer screen visible at all times, you need something different - and you can even do it using software alone.

If you're a windows kind of person, you can check this Input Director.
You can use a single keyboard and mouse attached to the "master" computer to control any number of different windows PCs you have around.

If you're not restricted to Windows computers...  Synergy is the best tool around.

Besides allowing you to control Windows, Linux, and Mac alongside each other, Synergy is considered the best keyboard/mouse sharing software around.

Although it was paused for sometime, it has come back and has lots of updates you might want to check out.

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