Monday, July 8, 2013

Badland, Infinty Blade II, Superbrothers Free in the App Store

Apple's App Store is about to celebrate its fifth anniversary and it seems they're readying a big thank you for the millions of users out there with an amazing assortment of free apps. Apple has yet to make an official announcement, but we've managed to find some of the amazing games you can now get for free (and fill up any and all remaining free space in your iPhone and iPad).

How do you feel about getting the visually impressive Infinity Blade II for free? And BADLAND, one of the most amazing games that will hook you from the start? And how about the adorably pixelated Superbrothers? Grab them while you can:

If you were thinking about buying any app this week, you're better off putting that on hold until Apple officially announces what apps will be be able to get for free.

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