Saturday, January 11, 2014

7 Secret Google Easter Eggs [Video]

No tech company can be really considered to be one unless they provide some sort of geeky Easter Eggs in order for some to show off their immense knowledge of Google inner workings. Google is no exception, and although you'll most likely know a few of these Google Easter Eggs already, I'm sure there are a few others you didn't know yet.

So, let's take care of that:
  • Atari Breakout - searching for Atari Breaktout in Google images allows you to play the classic breakout game using the actual images as "bricks"
  • Google in 1998 - makes you travel back in time to that year
  • do a barrel roll - self-explanatory...  makes your screen spin around
  • Google Map's Pegman becomes a LEGO minifig when you're in Legoland, and an astronaut at Kennedy Space Center
  • Bacon Number - placed after a celebrity's name shows us their degree of separation to Kevin Bacon
  • Anagram - Google suggest an anagram of anagram
  • Zerg Rush - honoring the popular Starcraft game, it invades the screen with a horde of "O's" attacking the search results

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