Saturday, February 15, 2014

Vidonn Bracelet - a (much) cheaper FitBit activity tracker

So you're curious about all that activity tracking thing and want to check it out for yourself; and see if tracking your daily routines, activity, and even sleep patterns, can actually help you improve your quality of life (and health). But, if you're not willing to pay $100 or more for the most popular "brand" activity trackers, like Fitbit or Jawbone, and think you'll have to pass on it, I have good news for you. You can have identical an identical (actually better than most) activity tracker at a fraction of the cost... by choosing a lesser known chinese brand.

This Vidonn X5 that you can fine at the online low-cost gadget store can be yours for about $40 - and that gets you an activity tracker that is waterproof and also includes a small OLED display (something you'll find only on the latest high-end branded devices). Software wise, Vidonn may not look as polished as the most popular western services, but it does offer all the features you can possibly have.

The Vidonn X5 can also sync up with your Bluetooth 4.0 smartphone (iOS and Android - although the Android app is not yet available at this moment), and it even includes a NFC tag for faster app launch by simply touching it with your smartphone. For just about  $40... what more could you ask for?


  1. not working well no pilot disponib doesn't recognise the usbkey software poor

  2. works well for me using iPhone 5S and laptop

  3. pas besoin de drivers, tu dois installer l'application sur ton smartphone
