Monday, June 16, 2014

Foldable Solar Fridge on Indiegogo

You probably have though of it already, if it's when the Sun shines the most that we need to keep the things cool, why not create a solar powered refrigerator to make the most out of it? Well, it seems someone finally decided to make it a reality and has taken it to Indiegogo to accomplish it: a foldable solar powered portable fridge.

This collapsible solar fridge (that can also keep it's content warm, if you so choose it) not only works connected to regular power, but can keep working away from any power source thanks to its solar cells. And no need to worry during the night, because it has integrated batteries to ensure it keeps running long after the sun sets.

If that alone isn't enough to convince you, then the following feature certainly will: when you need to carry it around, the fridge can be easily collapsed into an easy to carry compact "suitcase" - or rolled around on its small wheels.

Sure, like with any other crowdfunded project, we should keep an healthy dose of skepticism, but even considering this sounds too good to be true (which advises us to have extra care), I think it's one of those project that really deserves a chance to prove us wrong and show us it can actually be done.

Guess we'll find out in October, when these solar fridges (hopefully) start arriving at its backers. If you're sold by the idea, you can get a small one for $199 and the larger one for $499.

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