Monday, August 11, 2014

Godus available for free on iOS

You don't need to have a "God-complex" to enjoy God-games, where you rule over the small people of a virtual world. And if you enjoyed games like Populous, you're probably aware that Peter Molyneux is working in a new God-game called Godus that he successfully took to Kickstarter.

While the PC version is still chugging along quite nicely (for those willing to pay for it), there's now a free version of Godus in the App Store for your iPhone or iPad.

While the interface might still need some tweaks and improvements, it's nothing that you won't quickly learn to deal with, turning you into a land-shaping God that can fix terrain so that your tiny followers can  expand to new ground. While at first you won't be able to do much, before long you'll grow more powerful, being able to smite down mountains with meteor strikes - or make them happier by planting trees nearby their expanding villages.

While the (paid) PC version doesn't rely on in-app purchases, this free mobile Godus will soon begin suggesting you do so (and once you reach farming level, you'll spend more time waiting for crops to grow than actually expanding anything... unless you pay for it). Even so, it's in line with what you'd expect from a free game using this system... and I still advise you to try it out (it's been eating battery on my iPhone for the last couple of days! :)

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