Monday, September 22, 2014

Apple sells record 10 million iPhone 6 on the first weekend

"Too large", "insane", "crazy"... well, the numbers are in and they seem to prove the market really wanted larger iPhones. In the first weekend Apple has sold a record breaking number of iPhone 6: 10 million of them!

Two years ago, Apple sold 5 million iPhone 5 in the first weekend; last year the 5S and 5C jumped to 9 million (with a "little" help of the Chinese market); this year, 10 million is the new number all future launches will be compared to. And it also proves that the market really doesn't care about the new iPhones being "too big". (Sure, we can always wonder if the results wouldn't be exactly the same whatever size the new iPhone 6 came in - even if they kept the same size of the previous years).

Anyway, what we can hope to know - sooner or later - is how many of these millions correspond to the iPhone 6, and how many are the larger 6 Plus. Though I wouldn't be surprised if it were roughly 50/50% considering just how many people, when the time comes to click on the model they want to buy, opt for the larger model because of the better screen, camera and battery life.

Sure, one could argue there are even more amazing devices out there, costing nearly half (or even less) than these new iPhones. But at least for these 10 million people... it seems like the iPhone 6 is really de device they've been waiting for.

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