Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Twitter gets "Buy Now" button

It's no secret that Twitter has been trying to find a way to turn their millions of users into a money making machine. After the sponsored tweets ads, we're now getting a "buy now" button.

This "buy now" feature had already been seen by some users, but has now been publicly announced - though only for the US and with a select group of artists, brands, and nonprofit organizations - though that should expand quickly.

With Twitter being mostly a "real-time" social network, I think it makes perfect sense to capitalize on impulse buying with this "buy now" button. Particularly when you consider it will be a mostly hassle-free operation (once you enter your payment info for the first time). I can easily imagine that if Twitter finds a way to suggest really interesting stuff to users, lots won't hesitate to press the button and be done with it.

Of course, this will also mean that having user's credit card into, Twitter will become an even more desirable target for hackers trying to get their hands on that. But, that's nothing new for any internet service these days...

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