Thursday, November 20, 2014

PC Games are still very much alive

With the introduction of so many different games consoles and newer versions of the Xbox and PlayStation coming out nearly each year, the choice of which one to choose and why becomes ever more difficult. The price tag on each games device is hefty and the updates for the new systems come so quickly it’s easy to feel behind the times.

However, to play games, you needn’t always turn to the latest consoles, as PC Games are not only on the scene, but thriving. In fact all the biggest games manufacturers are releasing versions of all their games on PC, enabling you to keep up­to­date with the latest games trends without shelling out a fortune for the newest games console. With Christmas just around the corner and high­street retailers like Tesco stocking plentiful choices, instead of spending all your hard earned cash on hardware, check out these new releases on PC of some of the world’s most popular games:

SimCity returns to PC, allowing you to build and run your own city. This customisable world offers creative problem solving. The new version of this game comes with a tactile interface allowing you to team up with friends and solve global challenges or world problems. You can even download free trials.

In the latest Final Fantasy release for PC you can journey through the city of Cocoon and the outer world of Pulse. This popular role playing game will allow you to gather allies and execute powerful attacks with weapons and magic.

Looking for a way to keep busy over Christmas? The tenth Football Manager PC edition has Windows 8 support and has been improved across the board, offering enhanced game play, a more customisable platform and a cloud­save feature meaning you can access your game from any PC over the world.

And lastly, the game that seemed to change the face of gaming across the world, Tomb Raider has a new release on PC. The game developers boast that the design reboot is sure to please the new generation of gamers as well as the long­time fans. The gameplay has become more diverse, incorporating a variety of gameplay genres, such as survival, stealth, exploration, melee and ranged combat.

With so many choices on PC this year, it’s worth investing in game play rather than hardware this year. Happy Gaming!

Image by Elven Nicky, used under the Creative Commons license.

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