Monday, July 31, 2017

Gboard for iOS gets drawings, Maps and YouTube

Google keyboard for iOS has been updated and now has some extra features that will certainly appeal to most users.

It's kind of curious that one of the best keyboards for iOS comes from Google, but that just how it is. The Gboard keyboard not only lets you search Google directly from anywhere you can type, it also lets you type in glide mode, and also features an impressive voice input mode with impressive reliability - among other things like animated GIFs.

Now, there are new features coming to Gboard for iOS that will make it even more useful, such as the ability to draw stuff (for those occasions when a picture is worth a thousand words), sharing locations via Google Maps (including our current location); and also easier sharing of YouTube videos from just a tap and search away.

The only thing that's still missing is the ability to select two simultaneous languages / dictionaries (we can define up to three different languages ​​but only one can be active at a time, with the change having to be done manually). If that was the case, I wouldn't hesite to turn it into my full-time iOS keyboard and say goodbye to SwiftKey which allow me write "mixed" Portuguese and English.

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