Thursday, May 23, 2019

Say "Keep Tesla Safe" to turn on Sentry Mode on your Tesla

Tesla's 360º Sentry Mode can now be enabled or disable via voice commands, and it doesn't even failed to include a Rick and Morty easter egg.

With its latest update (2019.16.1) Tesla has made the Sentry Mode feature, that records 360º video from your Tesla while it's parked, easier to use. You can now enable or disable it simply by saying: "Turn Sentry Mode On/Off"; "Enable/Disable Sentry Mode"; or "Keep Tesla Safe" or "Keep Summer Safe" - these last ones being a Rick and Morty reference, as you can watch below.

If you don't feel like talking to your Tesla, you can also use a new shortcut on the top of the screen, allowing you to turn it on/off with a single touch.

But if you plan on using the Sentry Mode all the time, you can also set it on and forget about it by going to "Controls ->; Safety & Security -> Sentry Mode -> On/Off". You can still disable the Sentry Mode manually on specified location, but that kind of defeats the purpose of keeping your Tesla "safe" all the time whenever your away from it.

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