You buy a brand new Western Digital 1TB external hard drive to store all your media files. You go home and trannfer all your songs and movies to the new storage device.
You head to your living room, fire up your media center and try to play a movie from your new WD disc and...
Due to unverifiable media license authentication, the most common audio and video file types cannot be shared with different users using WD Anywhere Access.From Wired:
It doesn't matter what the files are: If you try to share these formats over a network, Western Digital assumes not just that you're a criminal, but that it is its job to police users. You see, MP3, DivX, AVI, WMV and Quicktime files are copy-protected formats.The list of banned filetypes includes more than thirty extensions. Some of them are bizarre: .IT files are banned — these are Amiga-style music modules composed with Impulse Tracker, a particularly well-loved tracking sequencer that hasn't been updated in almost a decade. I composed with IT myself, back in the day, and still have all my shitty compositions, none of which Western Digital would have me share. (Try MOD vs. Speak&Spell masterpiece Eddie Dreams of Women, if you dare: IT, MP3)
via [Wired]
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