Saturday, February 9, 2008

Andrew Fentem Multitouch Interfaces

I've read this interview on Gizmodo, and I was fascinated with the projects of Andrew Fentem in the field of multitouch interfaces and kinetic surfaces. It is precisely this type of work that will revolutionize the way people interact with computers in the future.

Check this multitouch cube, which can be used in many more ways than a simple 21st century Rubik Cube puzzle (it can also be used to play Pac-Man, by the way:)

Or this High-speed detection "air-hockey" virtual table.

Though you can certainly find similar projects, keep in mind this one was built in 2001, and still beats current touch technologies when it comes to fast response times. Current systems need to improve their speed and work in such large areas.

If you visit his website, you'll be impressed with some of his projects.

I was mesmerized with his kinetic table, which blends virtual and physical action in a way that seems almost impossible:

But don't forget to check the interactiv floor surface, and the Led Eyes... who knows, maybe will see them in action in real applications before we expect it.

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