Friday, April 11, 2008

X-Gauge ODB for Smart

Do you have a Smart - or do you intend to get one soon?

If so, don't miss the opportunity to install an X-Gauge ODB Display.
The X-Gauge is a sophisticated electronic module with a 128x64-pixel graphic display that replaces the original module inside the cockpit clock of a smart® fortwo (city-coupé) perfectly. It can not only tell time, but also date, battery voltage, inside temperature and a number of engine parameters in real-time (see list below). These parameters are retrieved from the car's engine control unit (ECU) through the on-board diagnostic (OBD) interface. The module can also display and clear diagnostic trouble codes that the ECU might have stored.

There are many other ODB modules out there, but this one is designed fit perfectly into the original "clock" module - resulting in a perfect finish for your Smart.

Though I'd recommend you'd use a black background - it looks better:

You can order yours from Welte-Engineering.

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