Thursday, August 14, 2008

Accelerate your iPhone with Dynolicious

Today I'll show you how you can turn your iPhone into the fastest gadget on the market.
All you need is to head to the App Store and get Dynolicious.

It's a analysis and logging program that keeps track of the accelerometer built into your iPhone. Now you too can keep track of your vehicle performance, just like they do with professional racing cars and their telemetry data.

(Just for reference, people have been using Nintendo's Wii Wiimotes for the same purpose for the exact same thing - but this iPhone version certainly makes it a lot easier)

Surprisingly, the results seem to satisfy even car tuning experts (though some points still need some working out) saying it's well worth the 10,49€ it costs.
(Once again, please explain me why we - europeans - need to pay extra for the exact same thing? This program costs $12.99 USD in the US, which should be roughly a little over 8 Euros - not 10!)

So, what can you get from Dynolicious?

    * 0-60 MPH
    * Other Speed Tests (0-10 MPH through 0-100 MPH in 10MPH increments)
    * Quarter Mile Elapsed Time
    * Quarter Mile Trap Speed
    * Elapsed Time and Trap Speed for standard intervals (60', 330', 1/8 Mi, 1000')
    * Lateral G's (current and peak)
    * Braking G's (current and peak)
    * Wheel Horsepower
    * Estimated Engine Horsepower
    * Realtime Speedometer and Graphs
    * Realtime graphical skidpad display
    * View results for latest test run or any saved run
    * View averages based on vehicle, date, or modification
    * Compare results between vehicles, dates, or before-and-after modifications

via [gizmodo]

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