Monday, July 18, 2011

SwiftKey Tablet X

If you need to type a lot on your Honeycomb Android tablet, you won't find it very hard... if you happen to have an Asus Eee Pad Transformer - but for everyone else needing a better touchscreen keyboard to use in tablet mode, you can now rely on the popular SwiftKey, now in Tablet version.

The SwiftKey Tablet X improves its already amazing capabilities by offering a much larger area to type on, as well as a splitscreen mode that puts the letters where you can easily reach them while holding your tablet with both hands.

In case you don't know SwitftKey yet, it's an amazing Android keyboard that takes predictive writing to the next level - by using your Gmail, Twitter, Facebook, and other services to learn what you're likely to type next.

It also allows you to have three languages active at the same time (from its 17 supported ones)

Nothing like seeing it action:

[via Engadget]

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