Thursday, January 24, 2013

Vine Wants to be the Twitter of Instant Short Videos

Instagram has changed the way people took and shared photos (for the better or worst), and although I would have found hard to imagine - many years ago - that we'd reach a phase where, having high quality cameras in our phones, people decided it would b best to "dumb down" their photos to look more "lo-fi" than the actual photos, I too concede that it's far easier to take "artistic" photos with these programs. Now, Twitter is trying to do the same sort of thing... for video. Vine has been acquired by Twitter last year, and we finally get to try it out on the App Store.

The main part is: you can only create 6 seconds clips to share with your friends - Twitter's CEO Dick Costolo shows:

I gave it a try and was surprised to see that Vine acts like a completely independent social network, meaning you'll have to add all you Twitter/Facebook friends over again (it would make much more sense to assume all your Twitter followers... although I understand some people might not want that).

Anyway... being a Twitter product, the first days are sure to be a huge success, with lots of vine videos popping all over the web. The real challenge is to see if people will keep doing it, or if it will die down after a couple of days.

P.S. If you happen to be redirected to another user's account... it's a known glitch that we hope to see sorted out soon!

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