Saturday, January 31, 2015

Forget all you think you known about archery

If you hold fond memories of the bow and arrow prowess of Hollywood's movie heroes like Robin Hood, I'm sorry to say... it's all wrong. Well, it's not me who says it, but Lars Andersen, a master archer that does all sorts of things we'd consider to be "impossible".

Friday, January 30, 2015

FCC raises "broadband" minimum speed to 25Mbps down and 3Mbps up

The FCC disregarded operator concerns and has raised the minimum speed requirements for any internet connection to be considered "broadband". Now it'll need to be at least a 25Mbps and 3Mbps (download/upload.)

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Comcast changes client name to "Asshole" - ends up giving 4 years of free service

Cable operators aren't particularly known for having "good relations" with their customers; and Comcast has a long standing tradition of doing its best to annoy them even more. Now they seem to have surpassed themselves, renaming one one of their customers to "Asshole Brown".

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Apple hits record earnings and iPhone sales

Some people may feel like Apple's not doing as much as they should to innovate and bring us "marvelous" new things. But it seems the market thinks otherwise, with over 75 million iPhones sold and a record breaking 18 billion dollars last quarter.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Police is worried about Police reporting feature in Waze

Waze is a popular GPS navigation app that relies on its users to report all sorts of things, like traffic, accidents, speed traps (and even potholes). But authorities are worried that it also allows people to report police location, and putting them at risk.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Nexus 6 doesn't have a fingerprint sensor because of Apple

If you find odd that the latest Nexus 6 reference smartphone doesn't have a fingerprint sensor, you'll probably like to know that it was intended to have one... but it couldn't because of Apple.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

How to use Android Priority Mode

The new Android 5.0 Lollipop comes with different management profiles instead of the old "silent mode", but some people may have yet to fully understand how they can put it to use. That's what we're about to show you.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Apple Watch to last only 2.5h under intensive use?

Apple has always sidestepped all questions regarding the upcoming Apple Watch the battery life, but now that we're just a couple of months away from launch, we finally start hearing rumors about it... and they're not that good.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Microsoft HoloLens shows us the future of augmented reality

Microsoft has unveiled its Windows 10 but the thing that really caught our attention was their futuristic HoloLens glasses. A device that seems to make all augmented reality wishes come true.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The 25 most popular passwords of 2014

Once again we get to know the most popular passwords of 2014, thanks to the massive leaks that have put millions in the wild for all to see. And again, you'll find some of our well known passwords on that list, showing that most people don't really care about their digital safety.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Seek Thermal XR adds optical zoom to thermal vision

You might remember Seek Thermal as being one of the companies to promise an affordable thermal camera for our smartphones - and one that actually delivered a real product that anyone can buy right now. And now it steps it up once again, with a version including an optical zoom.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Be My Eyes crowdsources visual help for the blind

We've seen smartphones act as visual tools for the blind, reading texts and identifying colors, but this Be My Eyes goes even further while sidestepping automated visual recognition algorithms and relying on actual people to do the job.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Cree's new LED lamp is ZigBee and Wink compatible and costs less than you'd think

If you haven't done it yet, 2015 will certainly be the year you'll finally replace your old light bulbs with LED lamps. And while you're at it, you might as well choose some smarter lamps, like Cree's latest connected LED lamps.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Chrome OS can finally be accessed via Remote Desktop

Chromebooks have been steadily creeping into our lives, and not they're about to get something that Chrome had for a while in all platforms except Chrome OS: hosting remote desktop sessions.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Wavelength shares movies under Hollywood's own terms

Hollywood studios aren't too keen on seeing their movies shared on the internet, but now we have a new service doing precisely that, leveraging their own UltraViolet system and following their own rules, to allow movie sharing among a group of friends.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Google Translate app lerns Word Lens image translation tricks

If you recall Word Lens it was one of the most amazing apps of the past years, and once it was acquired by Google we all knew it was just a matter of time until it find its way into Google Translate. And a few months later, here it is.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

AllCast for iOS is finally here

If you ever envied your friends with Android's  because they could use AllCast to wirelessly stream music and videos to Chromecast and all sorts of devices; now you can do the same: AllCast for iOS has finally arrived.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Sleep Number SmartIQ smart bed for Kids

If you have kids that could benefit from more time in bed, you'll want to take a look at Sleep Number's SleepIQ smart bed for kids.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Eight books everyone should read according to Neil deGrasse Tyson

Neil deGrasse Tyson might be someone that inspires us to look to the stars, but he also reminds us we should live with both our feet on the ground and our heads straight - and by straight I mean "thinking straight". These are the eight books Neil recommends everyone to read, to better understand ourselves, others, and the world we live.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Charlie Hebdo will print 1 million copies in response to terrorist attack

The world is still in shock with the attack on the french satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo that killed 12 people. In response, next week's edition will be its largest ever, with 1 million printed copies - instead of the regular 50 thousand - thanks to the help of the government, other newspapers and Google.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Intel Compute Stick is a Windows computer in "stick" format

Google's Chromecast made people realize they don't need ugly boxes to have media players/streamers; and soon after many more Android media players in similar formats popped up. But what if you wanted a complete computer, just like the one you have on your desk? Well, now you can, thanks to Intel's Computer Stick.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Apple's 12" MacBook Air will be smaller than the current 11" model

Apple's MacBook Air has become a reference since it first appeared, and following it second generation it became a huge hit among every laptop user, forcing other makers to evolve into the the "ultrabook" era. Its upcoming 12" MacBook Air might take things even further, shrinking down to an even smaller size than the smallest one currently available.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Bluetooth pacifier tracks your baby temperature wirelessly

Wearable technology has now entered into the "suckable" area, and most parents will appreciate this bluetooth enabled smart pacifier that allows them to monitor their babies' temperatures easily from afar.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Nvidia Tegra X1 is as powerful as the most poweruful supercomputer of 2000

We all know technology has evolved by leaps and bounds in the past decades, but it never ceases to amaze me to actually see what we've accomplished. Something like shrinking down the most powerful supercomputer of 15 years ago, to the point where it can fit in a mobile device, like Nvidia did Tegra with its new Tegra X.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Use Marvel Comics 1985 calendar for 2015

We may rely on digital calendars to keep our lives in order, but that doesn't mean "old-fashioned" paper calendars have become obsolete. Quite the contrary, they're still highly useful, and today I bring you a suggestion no geek can resist: Marvel Comic's calendar, from 1981.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Timehop knows what you did last summer... and everyday

If you love those "this day in history" moments where we're retold major facts that happen "this" day throughout the years, you'll definitely love Timehop, that does the same... for your own life.

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