Friday, April 8, 2016

Gravit is an Illustrator alternative that runs in your browser

There's an increasing number of amazing tools that are just a click away in any web browser. And there's one that can even replace complex programs like Adobe's Illustrator.

Things like Google Docs have shown us that we can have an "Office" on the web (now Microsoft also has it's own Office in the cloud as well); and there's no shortage of image editing browser apps, like Sumopaint (which can be considered a "Photoshop") and Pxlr; but if you wanted something more akin to Illustrator, things weren't as easy... until Gravit came along.

If you've worked with Adobe Illustrator, Fireworks, or even the old but trusted Corel Draw, you'll feel right at home; as you'll precisely the same kind of features and functions that you've grown accustomed to, in both vector art manipulation, as well as bitmap images.

Next time you need to create something but don't have Illustrator at hand (or simply can't use it, like when you're using Chrome OS or a non-supported OS), be sure to give Gravit a try. The worst it can happen is that you'll love it so much that you'll realize you don't actually need any other program.(You can check some of Gravit creations here.)

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